📄️ Introduction
📄️ Internet Overview
Before learning how to use and, later, how to hack the internet, let's first understand its building blocks.
📄️ Layers
As we said previously, each of the layers of the TCP/IP model adds its own information to the data coming from the layer above.
📄️ Routers
It is impossible to connect your PC / laptop directly (physically) to every PC or server in the world.
📄️ URLs
In the above ping command, we used google.com instead of an IP.
📄️ DNS
Remember: IPs, not URLs, are what's used to identify hosts (web servers included) on the internet.
📄️ Transport Layer
So with IPs, we can connect two hosts however far apart they are.
📄️ Application Layer
The layer that is the closest to the user, the application layer is also the one that is hardest to define, since it denotes all network applications.
📄️ Summary
We've used a lot of acronyms during this session.
📄️ Further Reading
The OSI Stack